From the Executive Director

Dear Friends,

 It is with a sincere heart that I offer my apologies for a lack of public response to the atrocious acts in Colleyville, TX over the weekend. Please be assured that the lack of response is in no way indicative of my, or OCC’s, passion for interfaith cooperation and understanding; instead, it is indicative of the time in which we currently live. Like most of you, I live from one fire to the next these days, working to keep many balls in the air without interruption. In this instance, I dropped a ball. In an effort to maintain my own mental health, I take steps away from “news” from time to time, as it is a cause of great anxiety. This weekend was such a time in my life that I needed a few days away from news notifications to refocus. As such, a public response to these events was delayed, as my awareness of the events was delayed. 


It is with sadness to hear that I let my interfaith neighbors down in my response time, but also with great awareness that care of my own mental health is vital in my continuing ability to do the “pandemic juggle” alongside all of you as community. Rest assured, we are as committed to the work of eliminating hate and increasing understanding, as we always have been, and stand alongside our Jewish and Muslim neighbors as trauma has reverberated through faith communities once again. I can speak for all of OCC’s members when I say such events are unspeakable and something we stand against no matter one’s religious practice. We will continue the work, and ask you to continue alongside of us during these difficult times. 


