Tending the garden

A campaign to engage faith communities and people of faith in action and advocacy around our climate-changed world


community sharing on personal “whys” for climate action

It's important to identify why this issue affects us personally. Several community members will discuss the specific reason they care about healing and protecting our earth. People have very different and sometimes surprising reasons!

Conversation with ”green Dean” Robert Willis

Don't miss this extraordinary conversation with global faith leader, Dean Robert Willis, speaking on the dangers of religious extremism, practicing hope amid uncertainty, and the "holy duty" of environmental stewardship.

earth day reflection

Rev. Dr. Mark Davies engages in advocacy and activism in the areas of peace, social justice, and ecological sustainability. Locally this is expressed through his work with the Human Community Network, to create non-violent systemic change for a just, flourishing human and ecological community.

Listening to indigenous voices

As we work to mitigate the effects of climate changes on our planet, we can find inspiration and wisdom in listening to indigenous voices. Rev. Chebon Kernell, an ordained Elder in the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference, shares an incredibly valuable perspective that can guide us toward a healthier relationship with our earth.