Criminal justice
“We believe that restorative justice is a far more faithful reflection of God’s will than our current system of retributive justice.”
“The view that nations, as well as individuals, will be judged by the way they treat the weakest and most vulnerable among them is deeply embedded in our religious tradition.”
“To improve the health of Oklahomans, coordination and collaboration is required among all Oklahoma citizens, all levels of government, communities of faith, not-for-profit service agencies, and the not-for-profit and for-profit health industry.”
Anti-discrimination & Anti-Racism
“We affirm that all people are beloved by God, and should be treated as such, in cohesion with the commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves.”
“We believe that immigration laws and policies must uphold the human dignity of every person, each of whom is formed in the image of God.”
“We are stewards of God’s creation—the soil, water, air, plants and creatures. As stewards, we are responsible for the ways in which we use and abuse it.”
“Education offers the skills and knowledge needed for meaningful work, which allows people to support themselves and contribute to the larger society. It lifts people out of poverty, and gives them the knowledge to participate more fully as citizens of our communities.”