A community conversation on Faith and Race in Oklahoma featuring Senator George E. Young, Sr., Rev. Shannon Fleck, Rabbi Vered Harris, Masood Abdul-Haqq, DeBorah Boneta, and Adam Soltani.
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OCC's Message on Re-Opening Churches
OCC, in partnership with other communities of faith, submitted a letter to the Governor of Oklahoma in response to his plan to relax preventive measures recommended by public health officials to stop the spread of COVID-19. The letter, signed by over 100 faith leaders, is available here in print and read aloud by faith leaders, followed by local news coverage on the topic.
Dear Governor Stitt,
We, the members of the Oklahoma Conference of Churches, The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma, Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry, and The Respect Diversity Foundation, with others undersigned here, write to you in response to the Zoom meeting held with interfaith leaders on April 14, 2020. We appreciate the opportunity to be included in this point of contact with other Oklahoma faith leaders, while also acknowledging that we have previously been denied access to conversations and opportunities to engage.
We were disappointed that instead of meaningful dialogue we received a brief, economics-oriented speech. This despite the fact that there were no fewer than four bishops and state-level executives of various Christian denominations on the call, alongside dozens of other Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Unitarian and Buddhist faith leaders. Because we were not afforded an opportunity to express our concerns in the Zoom meeting, we will do so collectively here.
As Oklahomans, we are concerned by your proposed timeline for the resumption of public life, and by the lack of discussion regarding your work to protect vulnerable populations right now. In this list are the homeless and poor, the elderly, those who are health compromised from other conditions, and those in prison, including nonviolent prisoners, all of whom are at risk of harm from COVID-19.
We assure you that all of us greatly desire to be back with our faith communities in our houses of worship and engaging in community work, but we will place the health of our congregants ahead of any religious, social, or political desire to meet in person. As people of faith, The Golden Rule calls us to love and care for our neighbors. The suggestion that “we will be fine” as long as we remain six feet apart endangers Oklahomans when there is ample scientific evidence suggesting stay-at-home directives are the best (and perhaps only) way of permanently "flattening the curve" of COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. Our faith communities will not resume meeting publicly until we are advised that it is safe to do so by health experts. We pray that you will make the same commitment, and protect all the people you lead.
As leaders of diverse faith communities across Oklahoma, we encourage you to lead out of love for neighbor rather than economic or political expediency. We believe that the current public discourse, suggesting we must either allow COVID-19 victims to die or allow the economy to die, is a false choice. Instead we implore you to replace the “safer at home” policy (and its exclusions) with policies that follow guidelines from the United States Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, and to extend them beyond April 30.
Oklahomans of all faith traditions count on your guidance. We are grateful for your willingness to listen to scientific experts and authorities in addition to religious and political leaders, and we affirm their consensus that social distancing policies must be strengthened and extended rather than weakened or terminated. We believe this is the most loving and faithful choice, one that is in the best interests of Oklahomans of all faiths.
Please consider these recommendations, and know that we continue to stand ready to participate with support and guidance through the difficult times that still lie ahead. You will be in our prayers.
Oklahoma Conference of Churches
The Reverend Shannon Fleck, Executive Director
The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma
Rabbi Abby Jacobson, President
Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry
Aliye Shimi, Executive Director
The Respect Diversity Foundation
Michael Korenblit, President
Reverend Tracy L. Evans
Stated Clerk, Indian Nations Presbytery
Memorial Presbyterian Church, Norman
Reverend B. Gordon Edwards,
General Presbyter, Cimarron Presbytery, PC USA
Reverend Michael K. Girlinghouse
Bishop, Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod, of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Reverend Dr. George E. Young, Sr.
Progressive National Baptist Convention, Oklahoma City
Adam Soltani
The Council on American Islamic Relations, Oklahoma Chapter
Hindu temple of Oklahoma City, ICF
Noel J. Jacobs, PhD
Vice President, The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma City
Imam Dr. Imad Enchassi
Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City
Saurabh Singh
Sikh Gurudwara of Oklahoma City
Board Member, The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma City
Reverend Kayla Bonewell
Church of the Open Arms and Cathedral of Hope, Oklahoma City
Reverend Bill Hemm
Forest Park Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, Tulsa
Reverend Kathy Brown
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Tulsa
Reverend Jessica Maynard
West Guthrie United Methodist Church, Guthrie
Reverend Scott Spencer
Mosaic United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Revered Betsy Stewart-Dooley
New Life United Methodist Church, Moore
Reverend Emily L. Robnett
New Hope United Methodist Church, Enid
Reverend Dr. Tiffany A. Nagel Monroe
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Shawnee
Reverend Dr. Mark Y.A. Davies
Wimberly Professor of Social and Ecological Ethics
Oklahoma City University
Reverend David Wheeler
First Congregational Church, Norman
The Federated Church of Weatherford
Reverend T. Sheri Dickerson
East Sixth St Christian Church
Black Lives Matter, Oklahoma City
Women’s March Oklahoma
Reverend Jesse Jackson
East Sixth St Christian Church, Oklahoma City
Pastor Jenny Archer
Expressions Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Trina Bose North
Crown Heights United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Marla Lobo
Wesley United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Shannon Cook
First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, Norman
Reverend Richard Mize
Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), Oklahoma City
Reverend Chris Moore
Fellowship Congregational United Church of Christ, Tulsa
Rabbi Vered Harris
Temple B’Nai Israel, Oklahoma City
Rachel Opatowsky, Temple Educator
Temple B’Nai Israel, Oklahoma City
Reverend Jen Logsdon Kellogg
Boston Avenue United Methodist Church, Tulsa
Reverend Glenna Skinner-Noble
Mosaic United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Bill Todd (retired)
Mosaic United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Matthew Franks
Tahlequah United Methodist Church, Tahlequah
Reverend Paul Calkin
Mayfair Heights United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Dr. Anne Walker
Saint Paul School of Theology, Oklahoma City
Reverend Trey Witzel
First United Methodist Church, Edmond
Reverend Valerie Jones Steele
Pastor, United Methodist Church
Reverend Joseph C. Alsay, Rector
St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Lori Walke
Mayflower Congregational United Church of Christ, Oklahoma City
Reverend Dr. Jerry D. Campbell, PhD.
Mosaic United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Jim Gragg
Mosaic United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Tony Zahn
Mosaic United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Maggie Ball
Mosaic United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Mark Polson
Mosaic United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend David Rose
Mosaic United Methodist Church
Reverend Jim G. Cooper, District Superintendent
Church of the Nazarene, Oklahoma City
Reverend Sara Pugh Montgomery
Boston Avenue United Methodist Church, Tulsa
Reverend Aaron Bolerjack, Executive Pastor
Oklahoma City First Church of the Nazarene
Reverend Kelly Yates, Ecumenical Pastor
Oklahoma City First Church of the Nazarene
Reverend Jeni Markham Clewell
Mosaic United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Michaele LaVigne, Pastor of Spiritual Formation
8th Street Church of the Nazarene, Oklahoma City
Reverend Kirt E. Moelling
First United Methodist, Yukon
Reverend Jeremy Basset, Senior Pastor
Wesley United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Shannon Rodenberg
Fairland First United Methodist Church
Reverend Mark W. Polson
Idabel First United Methodist Church
Reverend Dylan Ward
Inola United Methodist Church
Reverend Colton Lott
First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, El Reno
Reverend Travis Ewton
Calumet and Red Rock United Methodist Churches
Reverend Susan Ross
Mosaic United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Sharon Kay Cochran
Sharon/Mutual United Methodist Churches
Reverend Jennifer Long
Oologah United Methodist Church
Julia Phillips, PhD
Board Member, The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma
Mari Fagin, PhD
Board Member, The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma
Carl Rubenstein, MD
President Emeritus, The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma
Reverend Kris Ladusau
Board Member, The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma
The Reverend Dr. Rita Newton
Board Member, The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma
Reverend Janie Kirt Morris
Episcopal Church USA, Retired
Board Member, The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma
Reverend Heather Scherer
First United Methodist Church, Tulsa
Reverend Anna Hubbard
First Christian Church, Pryor
Reverend Kelley Becker
Disciples Christian Church, Bartlesville
Reverend Geoffrey Brewster
Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, Tulsa
Reverend Dr. Sonja Tobey
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Lawton
Reverend April Coates
Perry First United Methodist Church
Reverend Bruce Davis
Altus Grace & Blair United Methodist Churches
Reverend Bryan Tener
Discipleship Ministries United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Richard Connelly, Retired
Disciples of Christ Minister, Oklahoma City
Reverend Joe Meinhart
Indian Nations Presbytery
Shannon Warren
Chairperson, Amazing Faiths
The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma
Reverend Desi Sharp Brumit
Goodrich United Methodist Church, Norman
Reverend Dr. Lisa Wolfe
Professor of Hebrew Bible, Oklahoma City University
Reverend Stephen Cagle, Senior Pastor
Sand Springs United Methodist Church
Reverend Charles W. King
Geary First United Methodist Church
The Reverend Dr. Matthew Scraper
Southern Hills United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
Reverend Christopher Pollock
8th Street Church of the Nazarene, Oklahoma City
Reverend Linda Muterspaugh, Retired
United Methodist Church of Oklahoma
Reverend Larry T. Crudup, Senior Pastor
Tabernacle Baptist Church, Oklahoma City
Pastor Cody C. Robinson
Trinity United Methodist Church, Muskogee
Reverend Dr. Diana Davies, Lead Minister
First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City
Reverend Mike DeMoss
Chaplain, OU Medicine
Reverend Don Heath, Minister
Edmond Trinity Christian Church, Disciples of Christ
Reverend Mary Heath, Minister
Edmond Trinity Christian Church, Disciples of Christ
The Reverend Dr. Gregory J. Tener, Senior Pastor
Bartlesville First United Methodist Church
Reverend Courtney Richards, Board Member
Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry
Reverend Dr. Rex Wilkes, Retired
United Methodist Church
Reverend James B. Graham, III
New Haven United Methodist Church, Tulsa
Reverend Shyloe O’Neal
Jones United Methodist Church
Father John Borrego, Interim Priest
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Norman
Reverend Sue Long, Retired
Presbyterian Church, Lawton
Reverend Jinx M. Barber
Dewey United Methodist Church
Pastor Gerard Nsabimana
United Methodist Church in Stroud
Reverend Anna Marie George
Redland and Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church
Reverend Kristin McAtee
Cooperating Baptist Fellowship Oklahoma
Reverend Don Tabberer
First United Methodist Church, Drumright, OK
Reverend John Malget
First Christian Church of Oklahoma City
Board Member, The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma
Julie Robinson
Board Member, The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma
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