The Oklahoma Conference of Churches stands in support of Julius Jones. You can read the statement from OCC HERE.
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On Thursday, October 24th, OCC Executive Director Shannon Fleck joined the campaign for State Question 802 to support Medicaid Expansion in the State of Oklahoma. Below are her remarks from that event.
“Good morning, my name is Shannon Fleck and I am the executive director of the Oklahoma Conference of Churches. I stand proudly today on behalf of the broadest and most diverse coalition of faith traditions in the state, to support State Question 802 and the life-changing and life-giving care it will bring to our state’s most vulnerable citizens.
As faith leaders in our beloved state, we know the need for expansion of Medicaid is great. Passage of this state question would provide much needed health coverage to at least 200,000 individuals, most of whom are only one illness or accident away from financial ruin. Many of our state’s residents go without vital and necessary care because they fall between the cracks of a system that is very broken, and that is unacceptable.
Now the voters of the state of Oklahoma can begin the repair work of what has been broken for far too long, by showing up to vote in favor of this question for our most vulnerable. This is a human and moral issue first and foremost, and people’s lives should never be up for political debate in the State of Oklahoma.
Every major world religion uplifts care of the poor and sick in their teachings. In my tradition, we see th life and example of Jesus Christ who showed up time and time again for the sick and outcast; from lepers who were thrown from society, to the servant of a Roman Centurion. In Matthew’s Gospel, the author makes clear that taking care of the sick and vulnerable is a service not only to those in need, but to Christ himself.
Therefore, as faith leaders, we stand here in support of State Question 802 and encourage the citizens of the State of Oklahoma to show up for those who are in need, provide what they need to be well and survive, for in doing so, we do honor to all we have been taught in our faith. Thank you.”
Click here to download November’s CONNECT Newsletter